All professional categories combined career atrAPPEL-cOOP EN SOLIDARITÉ DE L'EAU

The reminder is a water protection cooperative that offers environmental consulting and water management services since 1997 to a varied clientele (municipalities, private companies, protection associations of bodies of water, individuals, etc.). Over the years, we have developed strong expertise in the protection and restoration of wet and water media. The reminder therefore concentrates its activities in the spheres of the limnology, the control of erosion, studies of the natural environment, the spatial planning, hydrology, and eco-engineering. All our projects are achieved in respect of the values ​​of the company that are based on the three pillars of sustainable development, the protection and preservation of the environment, the strengthening and the involvement of local communities and economic efficiency . The mission of the reminder is also to promote the protection and preservation of the lakes, rivers and wetlands of Quebec and to support, by its expertise, the persons and organizations committed there. To carry out this mission, the reminder is composed of a multidisciplinary team engaged and highly qualified.